69 | Annual Report 2022 Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ)
Pension should, where possible, be
premium-based. For the CEO and other
senior executives, the premium, in
cases where a premium-based pension
is applicable, can amount to up to 30
percent of the fixed salary. The Board of
Directors has the right, without prejudice
to the above, to offer other solutions
that are equivalent in cost to the above.
Severance pay, etc.
A notice period of up to six months
between the company and the CEO shall
apply if notice is given by the company. If
notice is given by the company, the Board
of Directors may decide that the CEO
shall be entitled to severance pay of up
to twelve months' salary. In the event of
termination by the CEO, a notice period of
up to six months shall apply. Other senior
executives shall have a notice period
of up to six months. During the notice
period, normal salary shall be paid.
Other benefits
Senior executives may be awarded
customary other benefits such as
occupational health care, etc. Such
other benefits shall not constitute a sig-
nificant part of the total remuneration.
Vetting and decision processes
The CEO's remuneration shall be vetted
by the Remuneration Committee and
decided by the Board of Directors. The
remuneration of other senior executives
shall be vetted by the CEO and the Remu-
neration Committee, which shall submit
a proposal for approval to the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors has the
right to deviate from the above guidelines
if there are special reasons that justify it
in an individual case.
Incentive programs
At the end of 2022, Vicore has four
active programs that include the compa-
ny's management and staff, and certain
board members. In 2018, a long-term
incentive program , “Co-worker LTIP
2018”, was set up. In 2020, a long-term
incentive program, "Board LTIP 2020",
for the two new board members was
introduced. In 2021, two long-term
incentive programs were set up:
“Co-worker LTIP 2021” and “Board LTIP
Assuming full utilization and
maximum goal achievement of all
granted employee stock options and
share awards as of December 31, 2022,
corresponding to 2,988,489 shares,
would entail a dilution of approximately
3.5 percent. Taking into account also
non-granted employee stock options
and warrants that may be used as
hedge for social security contributions,
the maximum dilution as of December
31 amounts to approximately 5.6
Below is a description of the various
programs. For other information about
the incentive programs, see Note 8 in
the Annual Report 2022.
Long-term incentive program 2018
The Extraordinary General Meeting of
Vicore Pharma Holding AB on August
13, 2018 resolved, in accordance with
the Board of Directors' proposal to adopt
a long-term incentive program for senior
executives and key employees
("Co-worker LTIP 2018"). A maximum
of 2,000,000 options may be granted
to participants in the program. The
increase in the company's share capital
upon full utilization of both incentive
programs amounts to a maximum of
around SEK 1,000,000, which corre-
sponds to a dilution of approximately
2.4 percent with respect to the total
number of shares. The participants
in the programs have received the
share rights / options free of charge
and settlements are made with equity
Co-worker LTIP 2018
Co-worker LTIP 2018 is an incentive
program intended for members of
senior management and key persons
in the company. According to the
program, participants will be granted,
free of charge, options subject to a
three-year vesting that entitle to acquire
a maximum of 2,000,000 shares in the
company in total. The exercise price per
share shall correspond to 150 percent
of the volume weighted average price of
the company’s share for the five trading
days preceding the granting date. The
latest point in time at which vested
options may be exercised shall be the
fourth anniversary of the granting date.
The Board of Directors of the
company believes that an equity-based
incentive program is a central part of an
attractive and competitive remuneration
package in order to attract, retain and
motivate competent members of senior
management and key persons in the
company, and to focus the participants
on delivering exceptional performance
which contributes to value creation for
all shareholders.
Long-term incentive program 2020
The Annual General Meeting in Vicore
Pharma Holding AB held on May 20,
2020, resolved, in accordance with the
proposal from the Nomination Com-
mittee, to adopt a long-term incentive
program for the new members of the
Board of Directors (“Board LTIP 2020”) in
Vicore Pharma Holding AB. A maximum
of 525,000 share awards may be
allotted to participants in the program
Board LTIP 2020. The increase in the
company’s share capital, assuming full
utilization, amounts to a maximum of
approximately SEK 262,500, corre-
sponding to a dilution of 0.6 percent of
the total number of shares.
Board LTIP 2020
Board LTIP 2020 is a program under
which the participants will be granted,
free of charge, share awards subject
to performance vesting that entitle to
shares in the company to be calculated in
accordance with the principles stipulated
below, however a maximum of 525,000
shares. The share awards shall vest
gradually over approximately three years
and are subject to performance vesting
based on the development of the compa-
ny’s share price over the period from the
date the share awards are allocated up to
and including the vesting date.
Board LTIP 2020 is intended for the
newly elected, main owner independent,
members of the Board of Directors in the
company. The Nomination Committee
believes that an equity-based incentive
program is a central part of a competitive
remuneration package in order to attract,
retain and motivate internationally
competent members of the Board of
Directors, and to focus the participants
on delivering exceptional performance
which contributes to value creation for all
Long-term incentive program 2021
The Annual General Meeting in Vicore
Pharma Holding AB held on May
11, 2021, resolved to implement
a long-term incentive program for
senior management and key persons
in the company (“Co-worker LTIP
2021”) and to implement a long-term
performance-based incentive program
for independent board members in the
company who are not participants in
Board LTIP 2020 (“Board LTIP 2021”).
A maximum of 3,000,000 options
(Co-worker LTIP 2021) and 61,773
share awards (Board LTIP 2021) may be
allotted to participants in the programs.
The increase in the company’s share
capital, assuming full utilization of
both incentive programs, amounts
to a maximum of approximately SEK
1,530,887, corresponding to a dilution
of approximately 3.6 percent of the total
number of shares.
Board LTIP 2021
Board LTIP 2021 is a program under
which the participants will be granted,
free of charge, share awards subject
to performance vesting that entitle to
shares in the company to be calculated
in accordance with the principles
stipulated below, however a maximum
of 61,773 shares. The share awards are
subject to performance vesting based
on the development of the company’s
share price over the period from the
date the share awards are allocated up
to and including the vesting date.